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Football vs North Alabama

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Date / Time Title Location Info
Wednesday, March 26
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Disciple-Scholar Lecture: Blessed Are the Peacemakers 238 HRCB What are the causes of prejudice? How can we increase intergroup harmony? Professor Joshua Gubler delivers the Kennedy Center's winter 2025 Disciple-Scholar Lecture.
Wednesday, March 19
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
To Fight or To Bargain? Ukrainian Public Opinion on Prospects for Peace 238 HRCB Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, there has been extensive discussion of the international impacts of the war in the United States and Europe. But how do Ukrainians feel about it? Celeste Beesley from BYU's Political Science department lectures as part of our winter 2025 lecture series, "Building and Brokering Peace."
Thursday, March 27
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Honors Graduation Meeting 150 MSRB All 2024-2025 Honors graduates are required to attend this graduation meeting!
Wednesday, March 19
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Honors Thesis Workshop: Prospectus 150 MSRB Join us and learn how to put together and write your Honors Thesis Prospectus!
Monday, April 07
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Becoming One: the 35th Annual International Society Conference Hinckley Center Join us for this annual conference featuring Elder Edward Dube, Mark Ott, and others. This year's theme is "Becoming One: Addressing Global Disparity."

4. List Athletic Event

Event Calendar Title

Disciple-Scholar Lecture: Blessed Are the Peacemakers

Wednesday, March 26
238 HRCB

To Fight or To Bargain? Ukrainian Public Opinion on Prospects for Peace

Wednesday, March 19
238 HRCB

Honors Graduation Meeting

Thursday, March 27
150 MSRB

Honors Thesis Workshop: Prospectus

Wednesday, March 19
150 MSRB

Becoming One: the 35th Annual International Society Conference

Monday, April 07
Hinckley Center

Ambassador of Luxembourg Lecture

Monday, March 17
238 HRCB

Particles of Truth: Book Launch and Author Discussion

Thursday, April 03
Reynolds Auditorium HBLL 1060

The Citizen as a Democratic Safeguard

Wednesday, March 12
238 HRCB

Café Europa: The LDS Church in Europe in the 21st Century

Wednesday, April 02
238 HRCB

Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan

Thursday, March 13
238 HRCB

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6. Calendar - Week View (Full Page)


7. Calendar - Day View (Full Page)


8. Individual Event (Full Page)
