Open a Browser Page in Brightspot Editor
Go directly to the Brightspot editor for a front-end page you're viewing.
You can create a browser bookmark that allows you to open any Brightspot web page for editing.
Create a new browser bookmark
The process for adding a bookmark varies by browser. Here are a few ways to open a new bookmark screen. Your browser will probably be similar.
- Open the Bookmarks menu.
- Select Bookmark Manager to open the bookmark manager screen.
- Right click in the bookmark manager screen and select Add a Bookmark to create a new bookmark.
- Open the Bookmarks menu.
- Select Manage Bookmarks to open the bookmark library.
- In the bookmark library, click the gear icon.
- Select Add Bookmark... to create a new bookmark.
- Open the Bookmarks menu.
- Select Add Bookmark... to create a new bookmark.
Add the title and URL to the new bookmark
- Set the title to Open Brightspot page in Editor or something else you prefer.
- Set the URL to the following code:
javascript:!function(){var bspUrl="",metas=document.getElementsByTagName("meta"),found=!1;console.log(bspUrl);for(var i=0;i<metas.length;i++)console.log(metas[i]),"brightspot.contentId"===metas[i].getAttribute("name")&&(found=!0,open(bspUrl+"?id="+metas[i].getAttribute("content"),"_blank"));found||alert("Error Finding In Brightspot")}();
Use the bookmark
- In your web browser, navigate to a page on your website.
- Click the bookmark. It should open a new tab and navigate in the Brightspot admin interface to the page you were viewing.
Or click and drag this link to your bookmark bar:
Open Page in Brightspot