Upgrade to Brightspot 4.2.37 - will give us better API access to Brighspot content
Privacy Policy implementation - hides employee contact info from users who are not signed in if the employee has info set as private; replaces it with department contact info
Add book content type (similar format to the Brightspot Documentation, with multiple nesting levels and sidebar navigation)
Add month to event list displays if an event is more than a month away
Flip Card
Icon Map
Gallery - Make lightbox images bigger
Gallery - Improve carousel designs
Timeline feature
Gallery widget - option for thumbnail view instead of carousel
Performance Improvements
Recently Finished
Fix the default role so new users don't see all sites
Finish advanced user search so that admins can see who has access to a particular site
Allow admins to see who has access to a particular site (there is still some data cleanup needed to make this feature useful)
Update department directory capabilities
Improve newsletter content type for Y News archive - make newsletters taggable and sectionable