Schedule Revisions - BYU Brightspot Skip to main content

Schedule Revisions

Save changes without publishing, and schedule future publishing

Schedule changes to a page

Make changes to a page or other content item that should be published at a certain time in the future.

  1. On the page you're editing, click the calendar icon next to the Publish button in the top right.
  2. Choose a date and time in the future.
  3. Click the Save button to close the scheduling window. The green Publish button should become a yellow Schedule button.
  4. Make changes to the page (these can also be made before you choose the date in step 1).
  5. Click the Schedule button to schedule publishing your changes at the specified time.
  6. You can continue making changes up until the scheduled publish time, which will add those changes to the scheduled revision. All of these changes will be published at that time.

Schedule multiple publish dates for changes to a page

If you already have changes scheduled, you can create new scheduled publish dates for further changes.

  1. On the page you're editing that already has a Schedule button in the top right, click the dropdown that says Update Existing Schedule.
  2. Choose Create New Schedule.
  3. Choose a new date and time in the date/time dropdown.
  4. Click the Schedule button.

Start a revision that will not be immediately published

Create named revisions that you can work on and save for later until you're ready to publish.

  1. On the page you're editing, make sure the right sidebar is visible by finding the URLs heading (if necessary, close the preview by clicking the eye icon near the Publish button).
  2. Scroll down to the Revisions section in that sidebar, and find the In Progress heading.
  3. Click the link for New Revision.
  4. In the resulting window, give your revision a name and then click Create.
  5. Make changes to the page. Note that the changes must be made after you've started this revision.
  6. Click the save icon near the Publish button.

Return to the current version of a page

  1. On the page you're editing, make sure the right sidebar is visible by finding the URLs heading (if necessary, close the preview by clicking the eye icon near the Publish button).
  2. Scroll down to the Revisions section in that sidebar.
  3. Click the Live link just under the Revisions header.

Return to a previously saved revision

  1. On the page you're editing, make sure the right sidebar is visible by finding the URLs heading (if necessary, close the preview by clicking the eye icon near the Publish button).
  2. Scroll down to the Revisions section in that sidebar, and find the In Progress heading.
  3. Find the name of the revision you wish to edit, and click the link.

Publish an in-progress revision

  1. Make sure the revision is active by following the steps above to return to a previously saved revision.
  2. Click the Publish button. The revision is removed from the In Progress list and added as a dated revision to the Past list.

Schedule changes to multiple content items as a group

Make changes to several pages that will all be published together at a specified time.

  1. Go to the dashboard.
  2. In the Scheduled Events window, click the New link.
  3. In the resulting window, add a Name for your scheduled revision.
  4. Optionally, add a description.
  5. Choose a Trigger Date for when your changes should be published.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Make changes to any items on your site. All changes will be published together at the date and time you've specified.