Intro Sections Skip to main content

Intro Sections

These sections will always appear at the top of your page.

What you need to know about Brightspot intro sections called leads

The intro sections in Brightspot are called "leads" and will always appear at the top of the page. Regular content appears below the lead and the order of that content can be easily changed.

The content types available for leads include promos, lists, and tabs. Other miscellaneous content that can be used includes images and videos.

The most common types of leads are promos and videos which are shown below.

1. Promo as a Lead

Promos can be used as a lead or as regular content. Visit our Promos section on the demo site to learn more about using promos in Brightspot.

This example comes from BYU News. Click the button below to view the promo lead on their website.

A screenshot of BYU News website with a Covid-19 promo at the top.

2. Video as a Lead

Videos can be used as a lead or as regular content. Visit the video page on the demo site to learn more about using videos in Brightspot.

This example comes from the Academic Support Office. Click the button below to view the video lead on their website.

A screenshot of the Academic Support Office Page with a video of a mountain peak as their lead.