Promos Skip to main content


Content teasers with links to the full content.

What you need to know about Brightspot promos

As described on Brightspot's documentation guide, a promo is a “teaser” module that encourages users to view the corresponding content. Promos typically consist of some or all of the following elements:

  • Headline
  • Body text
  • Image, video, or gallery
  • Link to the promoted page

The title, description, and image are pulled from the original content. Each of these elements can be manipulated to show something other than the default. Below, the title of each has been changed to reflect the title of the content as it is shown in Brightspot.

Any of these promos can be used in a list format by duplicating the module. Unlike the Lists section, these promos do not have the option to populate multiple promos vertically.

1. Full-Width Promos

Here are the two full-width promo options. The text box width is set.

Promo - Full Width

If there is a subheadline, it will be previewed here.

Promo - Full Width - Large

If there is a subheadline, it will be previewed here.

2. Standard Content Promos

These promos come in three standard sizes: small, medium, and large. These promos can be used well in a list if desired because the formatted space between the promos is small.

Content Promo - Small

December 03, 2020 03:50 PM
If there is a subheadline, it will be previewed here.

Content Promo - Medium

December 03, 2020 03:50 PM
If there is a subheadline, it will be previewed here. Read Full Story

Content Promo - Large

December 03, 2020 03:50 PM
If there is a subheadline, it will be previewed here. Read Full Story

3. Image Promos with a Button

These promos are similar to the ones above, but the promo includes a customizable button and the image is more prominent than the associated text. Due to the larger padding between promos, these appear more as stand-alone promos than in lists.

Image on Side, Large

If there is a subheadline, it will be previewed here.

Image on Top, Large

If there is a subheadline, it will be previewed here.

Image on Bottom, Large

If there is a subheadline, it will be previewed here.

4. Carousel Promos

Generally, carousels display multiple images or promos in a rotating fashion. The first carousel is found in the promos category in Brightspot while the other three are from the lists category.

The lists are generated like other vertical list modules but the content appears in a carousel fashion. The text and images in the list options can not be changed and will display as they are in the original content.

Carousel Promo - Large Image

This carousel is available in the promo section of Brightspot. Unlike the list carousels, this doesn't function like those carousels with multiple pages of content.

Carousel Promo - Large Image

If there is a subheadline, it will be previewed here.

Carousel, Headline

This carousel is found in the list content section of Brightspot. It looks similar to the full-width promos but has the option to display more than one promo.

contentVerticalPosition: , overrideVerticalAlignment: , contentHorizontalPosition: , overrideHorizontalAlignment:
contentVerticalPosition: , overrideVerticalAlignment: , contentHorizontalPosition: , overrideHorizontalAlignment:

Article Headline

If there is a subheadline, it will be previewed here.
contentVerticalPosition: , overrideVerticalAlignment: , contentHorizontalPosition: , overrideHorizontalAlignment:
contentVerticalPosition: , overrideVerticalAlignment: , contentHorizontalPosition: , overrideHorizontalAlignment:

Article Headline

If there is a subheadline, it will be previewed here.
contentVerticalPosition: , overrideVerticalAlignment: , contentHorizontalPosition: , overrideHorizontalAlignment:
contentVerticalPosition: , overrideVerticalAlignment: , contentHorizontalPosition: , overrideHorizontalAlignment:

Article Headline

If there is a subheadline, it will be previewed here.

Carousel, Boxed Headline

This promo appears in the list section of Brightspot. These are ideal if the text is hard to read over the image you have selected because of the grayed box behind the headline.

Article Headline

If there is a subheadline, it will be previewed here.
overrideBackgroundColorOrImage= overrideTextColor= overrideTextAlignment= overrideCardHorizontalAlignment=

Article Headline

If there is a subheadline, it will be previewed here.
overrideBackgroundColorOrImage= overrideTextColor= overrideTextAlignment= overrideCardHorizontalAlignment=

Article Headline

If there is a subheadline, it will be previewed here.
overrideBackgroundColorOrImage= overrideTextColor= overrideTextAlignment= overrideCardHorizontalAlignment=

Carousel, Three Buttons

This is in the list section of Brightspot. The default styles are light gray with white text which is unreadable and unaccessible. Please make sure you change the text color or background color.

Article Headline

If there is a subheadline, it will be previewed here.

Article Headline

If there is a subheadline, it will be previewed here.

Article Headline

If there is a subheadline, it will be previewed here.
Article Headline
Article Headline
Article Headline
overrideTextColor=var(--primaryColor) overrideTextAlignment= overrideImageAlignment= overrideHideMedia= overridebuttonBgColor=

5. Small Promos

These promos are very small and can be used in many scenarios. These would also work well in lists as the padding between promos tends to be very small. For example, the padding on either of the "icon" content types is zero. The "Icon on Side" promo is duplicated to display what it would look like in a list.

Promo - Icon on Top, Large

If there is a subheadline, it will be previewed here.

Promo - Icon on Side

If there is a subheadline, it will be previewed here.

Promo - Icon on Side

If there is a subheadline, it will be previewed here.
Promo - Notification. Click this banner to see this promo on the Demo Alerts page.

6. Displaying Multiple Promos

This example is found in the list category of Brightspot and is called "Promo - Highlight A." This option is a great way to display multiple promos in a single module while highlighting the first promo on the list.

Promo - Highlight A

Article Headline

December 03, 2020 03:50 PM
If there is a subheadline, it will be previewed here.


November 07, 2019 10:45 AM
Content organized vertically in a variety of styles.


November 05, 2019 10:39 AM
Links to content displayed with pictures and/or text.

Intro Sections

November 07, 2019 10:48 AM
These sections will always appear at the top of your page.