Making changes to lots of different pages can be very time-consuming, but Brightspot has tools to reduce that time in significant ways. This article will go over ways in which content on a website can be edited in bulk which only applies to items of the same content type. Bulk editing is not available for items of different content types. Note that this is different from bulk uploading content to a website.
Bulk Edit Content in the Same Way
The steps below are for changing a specific item on multiple content in the same way. For example, adding the same tag to a group of articles.
- Click on the search bar on top of a website.
- Choose the relevant content type from the global filter on the left-hand side.
- For example, choose "article" if something needs to be changed on all articles on this website.
- Click three dots towards the right-hand side of the page (if no boxes are checked, all items will be selected).
- Click “Bulk Edit All.”
- A new window appears where the editor can “keep” or “replace” certain fields for that content type.
- Specifically for tags, the editor has the choice to keep the same tags, add, replace, and clear.
- Click Bulk Save.
Brightspot Bulk Editing Documentation
Bulk Edit Different Content
Workstreams allow editors to select a group of items to edit, make different changes to the select items, keep track of which ones have been edited, and easily involve other people in the work—without the need to coordinate who's editing which items.
Create a Workstream
A workstream can be created from the central search window in the Brightspot editor. It helps to use the Global Filters to the left to find the desired content. It's especially useful to use the top filter that says 'All Content Types' to narrow the list down to a specific content type. This will also give editors more filters specific to that content type (see the Brightspot Search Documentation).
Create a workstream by checking the box next to the items that should be included and clicking on "New Workstream." If nothing is selected when the workstream is created, it will include all of the results of the search in the workstream. See the screenshots below for more details.
Workstreams can also be named to differentiate between different workstreams. Once every item in a workstream has been reviewed, the workstream can be deleted. Unfortunately, Brightspot doesn't delete completed workstreams automatically.
If the New Workstream Option Does Not Appear
This may mean that items of more than one content type are selected. Use the Global Filters to limit the content type. It may also mean that some undesired items were selected. Brightspot often remembers previous selections. If this is the case, an indicator at the top of the dropdown that says 'X items selected' with a red Clear button above it. Click the Clear button to remove all previously selected items.
Edit Items in a Workstream
All of the website's current workstreams appear in the Workstreams widget on the dashboard. In the standard dashboard, this is at the bottom of the first column.
Clicking on the Start or Continue button for a workstream will open an editor window for the first item in the workstream. There is an indicator at the top of the screen for where the editor is in the list and how many others are working with the current editor to finish the workstream.
Click Publish to finish working on the current item (or click on Save if working on a draft) and Brightspot will load the next item in the workstream. If there's nothing to change on the current item, click Skip. To finish working, click Stop.
When more than one person is working on the same workstream, Brightspot will give each person a different item to edit.