The Rich Text module allows for powerful customization for the body of your Brighspot page, whether it is a simple block of text or large document like blocks that include images, forms and links to other sites.

Basic Functionality
Text Editing
Just like editing a word document, you can modify the text to your liking in the rich text box. Bold, italicise, or strikethrough using the symbols and dropdown menu in the top left.

In the dropdown menu it gives the following options:
- Strikethrough text:
Some text - Create superscript for text: I'm high up
- Create subscript for text: I'm down low
- The clear button will clear any formatting changes that were made to the text. Simply highlight the text you wish to remove formatting from and then click the clear button.

Headers are used to create titles and sort large paragraphs of text into smaller and more organized readable pieces of text. There are five header sizes, with H6 being the smallest and H2 being the largest.
H2 Header
H3 Header
H4 Header
H5 Header
H6 Header
Images and Videos
The Rich Text editor is extremely versatile when it comes to adding or removing images within the Rich Text.

The single image will add an image to your photo and to add a gallery of images, choose the icon with multiple photos. The photo icon with the dropdown menu will allow you to link images from other sites onto the page. You will need the URL to place those images on the site. Please be aware that the images are in-line with BYU Website Standards and are following copyright laws. BYU Photo
Images can be modified so they either align on the left, right, or center of the page. When you edit the image, scroll down under enhancements. Here you can change to your liking and design of the page.

How to Align Image in Rich Text Editor
Linking text makes text clickable and able to move to different sites easily to help guide your audience. To create clickable text you will need to highlight the text in the rich text module and click on the chain/paperclip icon.
You can choose to either link to another page on Brightspot with the "Internal" link. If you want to link to a page outside of Brightspot, click the dropdown menu of Internal and choose external instead. You will need the URL of the outside site to paste into the URL field. You can find any page on the BYU through the search Item and then find it. This is recommended as it will load the internal Brightspot link faster than an outside link.

You can also change the styling of the link to show as a button by modifying "Link Styles" after switching to the "Styles" tab in the link editor. Change the Preset to "Custom" and select the style from the button style dropdown menu as shown below. If you would like to add a sticky button, you will need to use the position:sticky custom CSS (see the Customization and CSS feature guide for more information).

Image Links
Steps on how to create image links can be found in the Images and Videos feature guide linked below.
How to Create Image Links

Advanced Functionality
Tables can be used to organize or show information in a new way. You can create a table by clicking the "Add Table" and "Advanced Table" buttons. The "Add Table" button is shaped as a grid icon.
Once the build menu is pulled up, you can modify your table however large or wide you need. You would have the option to change the number of rows, columns, modify headers, and input information as desired.
Tables can also be pasted into the Rich Text module, and all tables can be edited or added to as needed using the three dots icon or the pencil icon above the table.
The advanced table has more funality than just a normal table. It allows for more editing options including manipulating the spacing within cells, creating a column or row heading, creating multiple header rows or columns, adding a footer, and changing/turning off table borders.
This | Is | a |
table | for | the |
rich | text | module |
Social Media
Brightspot allows you to implement Facebook, Instagram or Twitter post directly into Rich Text. Click on the media that you need and copy the link into it. To learn more about adding social media posts look at the social media tutorial.
They are essentially links in a webpage that behave as different sections within that webpage. Anchors can be used to reference a specific section on the webpage. See the training video below for more information on how to create anchors.
Create an Anchor
In the Rich Text module, there is an option to add a comment to document the thought process behind certain content or page setups. Clicking on the icon in the screenshot would leave a comment and the comment won't appear on the actual published page.