Brightspot gives the capability to modify a published page and save it without having to publish changes every time. With revisions, you can compare the content of revisions to the live site, track changes to your content, and restore previous versions of content.
To start a revision, click on the three-button dropdown to the right of Publish or click the Start New Revision button in the left sidebar.

Click on Start New Revision, then input a name and click the Create button. This will make a copy of the current page you are on that you can modify to make whatever changes are needed.
Naming the revision is very useful for keeping track of what changes have been made and keeping a history of how a page has been changed. To rename a revision, in the top left of the page content, there is a yellow bar that says Name Revision. Click on it to modify its name.
Similar to a draft, you can save your revision by clicking the Save icon in the yellow bar at the top of a revision. However, a revision does not automatically open when accessing a page. The revision must be selected from the right sidebar. If the revision is not selected, you will be modifying the page itself.
Revision History
The Revisions section in the right sidebar shows all revisions, drafts, and published edits to a piece of content. This is useful for tracking how content on your website has been modified over time. This sidebar is visible in all content types. Before using any of the sidebar options, it is advisable to save your work to ensure that no content is lost.
To open the specific settings for a revision, click the three dots next to a revision.
The Edit Live button allows you to exit your current revision and edit the live version of a piece of content.

The Edit Revision button allows you to reopen a previous saved version of a revision.
The Compare button allows you to compare the content of the selected revision to the content of the revision that you currently have open. Added text will be highlighted in green and removed text will be highlighted in red in strikethrough font. Note that you may see a number of HTML <tags> listed in this view. This is a part of how Brightspot renders text and is not a cause for concern.
The Compare to Live button allows you to compare the content of your current revision to what is currently shown on the published version of your content. Similar to the Compare button, changes are highlighted in red and green. This button can also be found in the yellow bar at the top of the page in the editor.
The Name Revision button allows you to assign or update the name for a specific revision.
Scheduling Revisions
Revisions can be scheduled to be published at a specific date and time. This feature is beneficial for press releases and other time-sensitive content. For more information, consult the Scheduling feature guide and below video tutorial.